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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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In 2008, I made Black history. I was 1 of 2 Black students in my program in Cuernavaca, 墨西哥, and 1 of 3 Black students in my program in 马德里, 西班牙. 我是第一个这么做的吗? No. I wasn’t even the first person in my family to do it. 但是,根据NAFSA的说法 data2015-2016年,只有5个.9% of 宝博体育 students were Black. Since my 宝博体育 experience was 7 years prior, I like to think that I contributed to that growth, and to the creation of some Black history.

I hate to admit that when I was abroad, I didn’t celebrate 黑人历史月 as I do now. Looking back, I don’t even know if I recognized 黑人历史月 that year. Instead of celebrating my own heritage, I chose to embrace my new city, 主持人的文化, 以及它的历史. This is not to say that I forgot about my blackness, because everywhere I went, I was reminded.

 Exploring with the best of them: Mt. Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands, 西班牙

我棕色的皮肤, I was often mistaken for an immigrant from a number of developing countries, and I was treated poorly because of it. 我被警察拦住了, harassed by people on public transport, 无情地盯着, 受, 有时被忽视, all because of the color of my skin – 直到 I started speaking English or I pulled out my magical blue passport. Then, doors opened for me, and warm smiles followed.

I met so many people from around the world, some of whom studied abroad themselves in the US, and warmly recounted their experiences to me. I took all of my classes in a foreign language, which allowed me to become fluent. 我爱过又不爱过. 我要投44票th 饮剂. I took weekend trips to countries I’d only dreamed about, and I will have those memories for a lifetime.

 Learning culturally, Casablanca, Morocco

Being Black and abroad will always be an experience I cherish, despite being generously sprinkled with racism and microagressions. My 宝博体育 experience as a whole – the good, bad, and the ugly – has made me who I am today. I have a career in international education working with colleagues around the world, 我是一个世界公民, and I am able to travel the world more confidently because of it.

Every day, I see posts of Black people traveling and living abroad, and it is truly inspiring! I am a part of that history, and so should you be. To all Black students: seek out opportunities and activities that connect you to your heritage domestically and while abroad, discover beauty salons and barbershops that cater to black hair, connect with any Black communities you can find and learn about their experiences.

And lastly, find your courage, and leave your comfort zone. All you have to do is stay Black and study or intern abroad!

Marquisa R. 是东航的惯例吗? & 教师-lead Program Coordinator. She studied abroad in Cuernavaca, 墨西哥和马德里, 西班牙, majoring in Spanish and 国际研究.

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