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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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自1976年以来, 2月被定为黑人历史月, during which many different prominent African American figures are recognized and celebrated for their contributions.

为了纪念黑人历史月, I want to share some of my experiences of being an African American abroad while also emphasizing why it is important for people of color to go abroad.

回顾历史, we are reminded of how Africans were dispersed all around the world through the slave trade, which had lasting effects on the overall geographical placement of and opportunities for African Americans. Because of this, the experience for people of color to travel abroad can be unbelievably rewarding.

Last week, I attended a seminar at my school that hosted the creators of 黑色的 & 在国外, which is a brand started by two male entrepreneurs, Eric Martin and Kent Johnson. They got the inspiration to begin the brand from their own experience traveling and noticing that most flyers and advertisements directed toward travel did not include any African Americans. 通过他们的研究, they found that African Americans spend about $63 billion in travel per year and were shocked that they rarely saw representation.

为了改变这种情况,埃里克和肯特创造了黑色 & 在国外. It's a growing business that not only encourages people of color to go abroad and share their experiences, 还赞助旅行. 世界各地的有色人种都在穿他们的t恤, and the company gained a lot of popularity by people taking pictures abroad and adding the hashtag “#黑色的and在国外.”

埃里克和肯特是从商业角度出发的. 然而, I was able to gather the true meaning behind the overall message and movement; as people of color, 我们的历史赋予我们一种责任,让我们了解这个世界.

我在国外的经历很特别. 我是班里唯一的非裔美国人, and this was not a situation I was anticipating but one I grew to embrace. It was nice being able to connect with the people of color in all five countries I had the chance to visit while I was overseas.

当我在巴黎学习时,我震惊地看到这一点 , (the French word for what could translate to "districts") the African population was much more dominant. In these parts of the city, you would find quite a few products unique to African culture. This could range from specific hair products, to foods, restaurants, clothes, and more.

毫无疑问,非洲人和有色人种, 是任何社区文化的主要贡献者吗. From music, fashion, and hairstyles -- our contribution can be seen as universal. 想想雷鬼音乐和非洲音乐在世界范围内是多么受欢迎!

Here are some quick international facts about 黑色的 History that many people don’t know:

Did you know Haiti was the world’s first black Republic to gain their independence?  

海地于1月1日获得独立, 1804, making them the first black Republic and Caribbean island to be independent. The movement that set the tone for the revolution was led by a Jamaican who was a free man.

Did you know an African slave was the first person to introduce inoculation (another word for vaccination) in the United States?

一个名叫 亲爱 introduced the idea of vaccination to his slave master while talking about old African traditions.  波士顿爆发了一场小规模的天花流行病, the master shared the tradition with a doctor named Zabdiel Boylston. The doctor adopted the tradition and was condemned by the public to the point where his life was in danger. 然而,他还是挽救了许多人的生命. This practice was later used for slaves during the Revolutionary War. This introduced the concept of inoculation/vaccination in the United States. 阿尼西母被认为来自苏丹或加纳.

亲爱 was given to his slave master, Puritan church minister Cotton Mather, as a gift.

约瑟芬贝克Did you know singer 约瑟芬贝克 was a spy for the French during World War II?

Baker would smuggle military information to the French by pinning them inside her dress and hiding them in her music sheets!


奴隶之家是位于塞内加尔gorsame岛的一个博物馆. 博物馆的主要特色之一是 不归之门, which is said to be the final exit for slaves before being shipped to the Americas by boat. 墙壁讲述了这个过程中令人心碎的故事, as they display nail scratches when people would attempt to fight their way off the boat.

黑人历史月即将结束, I want to urge people of color to learn more about black pioneers and revolutionaries from countries other than the United States. 你会惊讶地发现,在世界各地, 有色人种总是努力去创造不同.

Zenab Bakayoko is a CEA alumna who studied abroad in 巴黎, 法国, during the Spring 2018 semester. 她是陶森大学的毕业生.

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