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Blown Away by 布达佩斯, 匈牙利: A Visit to Eastern Europe

by 东航卡帕 Content Creator
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No place I have visited before made my jaw drop quite like 布达佩斯 做了. It provides visitors with views unlike any other, with architecture and art to dazzle the eyes, and with culture that is genuinely tangible.

在这篇文章中,我将概述我在这个美丽的城市中最喜欢的景点. 坦率地说, I could fill multiple blogs with the food I ate, 我喝的酒, and the interesting people I met, 但是现在, 只能这样了. 另一个时间, 也许, 我将分享一个意外激怒了几十名威尔士球迷的故事, hole-in-the-wall restaurant. 但现在,请欣赏我对这座难以形容的城市的描述.


I traveled to 布达佩斯 following my semester in 塞维利亚, 西班牙. 我的家人正在旅行,我们都渴望探索东欧. My mom and I are history buffs, and all of us enjoy meandering through narrow city streets, 探索和享受我们所参观的任何地方的美食. It is important to note that we are all avid walkers, so while we walked almost everywhere we went in 布达佩斯, keep in mind that if you would rather taxi or utilize the metro, those are certainly available as well.

也许布达佩斯最受欢迎的一站是匈牙利议会大厦(pictured at the top of this blog). Built at the turn of the 19th 和20th 几个世纪以来,它是匈牙利国家政府的所在地. It is huge, it is gorgeous, and it is absolutely a must-see. My family and I were unsure if the outside or the inside was more impressive; regardless, 我们是追星族. 我必须指出如果你想看看这座华丽建筑的内部, GET YOUR TICKETS ONLINE, 和早期. 类似于美国.S. 国会大厦,参观内部的唯一方法是通过导游. 我妈妈是一个特别的旅行计划者,她提前一个月在网上购买了这些东西. Even by that time, all the English-speaking tours were sold out. So, order the tickets months in advance, 如果可以的话, otherwise you will be like us, deeply confused on an Italian-speaking tour. Regardless of language capabilities, 然而, simply seeing the beautiful structure was absolutely worth it. 

在议会附近,有一座令人痛心的纪念碑,纪念匈牙利大屠杀的受害者. 多瑙河岸边的鞋子代表了在第二次世界大战期间被法西斯政府杀害的犹太人. Erected in 2005 by sculptor Gyula Pauer, 它说明了铭记历史的恐怖和纪念种族灭绝受害者的重要性. The memorial is simple, stark and striking. 它提醒观众要尊重那些以不公正、不宽容和仇恨的名义牺牲的生命.  


国会对面的河是标志性的渔夫堡和布达城堡. As we were meandering around 布达佩斯 on a stifling June day, 我们很感激酒店附近的冰淇淋摊和饮水机. 享用完美食后,我们爬上堡垒的台阶,饱览了这座城市的美景. 除了, 我们进入了马蒂亚斯教堂(布达城堡建筑群的一部分), famous for its colorful roof and ornate interior. Like many European religious structures, one can only enter if their skirts, shorts or dresses are modest and their shoulders are covered. 这个地区的各种建筑都有迷人的历史, and combine Neoclassical, 哥特复兴, 以及独特精致的罗马式复兴建筑. 

 The Matthias Church and a statue celebrating St. 斯蒂芬。 


我个人最喜欢的布达佩斯部分是Dohány街犹太教堂. The building is gorgeous, 里里外外, 这里的艺术和建筑可以与我见过的大多数欧洲建筑相媲美. 花园里到处都是壮观的雕塑,描绘了犹太人信仰的各个方面,以及之前表现出的坚韧, during and after the Holocaust. During World War II and the fascist control of 匈牙利, 院子的一部分被划分为布达佩斯犹太人的隔离区. Countless people were left to die here, 尸体通常被放置在犹太教堂庭院的石头上. 布达佩斯犹太社区悼念遇难者,同时敦促游客不要忘记这段历史. 就像多瑙河岸边的鞋子,令人心碎,但必须看到. 在着装方面,遵循与马蒂亚斯教堂相同的规则. 此外,男性在进入犹太教堂时会被要求佩戴雅卡马. 它们是由Dohány街道工作人员免费提供的.

最后,谈到布达佩斯的旅游业,就不能不提到这里的浴场. With the plethora of thermal springs under the city, 布达佩斯利用天然温暖的海水来营造放松的氛围, spa-like structures and pools. My family and I opted for the Széchenyi Medicinal Bath, the largest thermal bath in Europe, which utilizes two separate hot springs. Its doors opened in 1913, 一个多世纪以来,室内和室外游泳池一直吸引着当地人和游客.

作为一个洁癖, 井然有序的更衣室里有可以租用和上锁的单独更衣室,我很高兴地迎接了我. We brought our own towels, but those can be rented as well. 一旦进入水疗中心,活动的选择是广泛的. One can relax with a cocktail at the bar, 游泳圈, 或者只是坐在躺椅上欣赏华丽的建筑和水景. 此外, the Széchenyi baths are conducive to all types of weather, as each pool is kept at a different temperature. 正如我所提到的, our days meandering around 布达佩斯 were very warm, and as the heat and I are not the best of friends, I mainly enjoyed the refreshing, 最酷的池. 没有一个地方太拥挤,整个设施都很干净,热情好客,令人放松.



我和我的家人对我在布达佩斯的时光有着难以置信的美好回忆. 它是一个完美的城市,体验历史,同时慢慢吸收匈牙利的魔力. 对于任何考虑 宝博体育 或任何考虑周末去欧洲旅游的人,请宝博体育 布达佩斯 在你的雷达上. You will not be disappointed.

Lily Anderson是在塞维利亚留学的CEA校友大使, 西班牙, during the Spring 2019 semester. She is currently a student at the University of Alabama. 

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