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by 阿黛尔Bey-Smith
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作为一个在中国生活了六年的人 法国在美国待了7年.S.,去… 宝博体育 这对我来说并不新鲜. 适应新环境, 结识不同背景的人, and exploring diverse cultures were all things I was already exposed to in my life. Nevertheless, the amount of personal growth I went through in just four months was unimaginable.  




在去之前 巴塞罗那留学我为自己设定了个人和职业目标. 我知道我是个随性的人,喜欢冒险, yet this is a side of myself that I didn't show back at my home university. 我每周的例行公事通常包括上学, 在我的空闲时间学习, 每周出去一两次. 我的大学生活经常感到重复和无聊. 然而, 在一个充满活力的城市有这么多事情要做, I connected more deeply with the city I was living in and the people around me. Strolling around the city built with beautiful architecture and buildings at any time of the day made me realize how free-spirited I could be.



I went to the beach in the mornings to watch the sunrises or in the evening to watch the sunsets. One of my favorite spots was in the Gothic Quarter; my Spanish class went to explore the Gothic Quarter and our professor showed us El Petó. This gorgeous mosaic mural was made of images snapped by locals representing “A moment of freedom.“颜色, 这个概念, 这个地方的信息包含了巴塞罗那给我的一切, 所以这里对我来说很重要. The proximity of everything and the accessibility to walk whenever I felt like it made me realize how much I valued being in a city. 




我通过这个项目认识的人来自美国各地.S.威斯康辛州、加利福尼亚州、华盛顿州,你能想到的都有. 即使在我们国家, 人们可以彼此不同,有不同的生活方式, 意识形态, 野心. Since I just met these people, it gave me an opportunity to reinvent myself in ways that I wanted to. 我最大的缺点之一就是不向人敞开心扉. 在我出国期间, 我强迫自己走出舒适区,这是我第一次, 向我刚认识的人敞开心扉. I shared important parts of my past that helped me know more about why I am the way I am and understand the way I shape my relationships with the people around me. I’m so grateful that I had the courage to challenge myself as I learned so much more about my new 宝博体育 friends, 同时也对自己有了更多的了解.  



A light-hearted example: I discovered that I have a bad sense of direction. My friends at my home university would never know this because we’re never in an environment where we have to walk far. Nevertheless, my friends in 巴塞罗那 specifically knew not to let me lead them somewhere. 这一切都始于我第一天上课. 因为我有点晚了,我的室友已经走了. I put in my Maps the telephone store “Orange” as my destination as the 东航卡帕 Study Center is located next to an “Orange” store (one that later became a Meme between my friends and I). I left my apartment and started walking a little faster than usual as I didn’t want my first impression to look bad in front of my professors. 超速之后,我再也不会迟到了. Nevertheless, as I stood in front of the “Orange” store, I couldn’t find the Study Center. All of this might not make sense to somebody who hasn’t been to 巴塞罗那 yet, 但这是可怕的,因为中心位于加泰罗尼亚广场, 这个城市最拥挤的地方我站在这里, twenty minutes from Plaça Catalunya and hadn't realized I was walking the wrong way all along. 当我的室友从我这里听到这个故事的时候, learning that I ended up being thirty minutes late instead on my first day of class, 整个学期他们都在取笑我. 每天或每周发现我的这一部分都很有趣, 我和朋友们会去探索新的地方, 他们的第一反应是说, “别让阿迪勒做地图!让我觉得自己更被欣赏和包容. 


On a professional level, I wanted to develop connections with my professors. The classes at my home university are huge lecture halls where it’s hard to stand out; this was a limitation that impacted my confidence in terms of my academic achievements. 在东航卡帕, the classes we took were in smaller classes (10-15 people) and gave the chance for students to stand out and engage more with their professors. 我总是听到人们说, “与你的教授建立关系,” and never understood this saying’s importance until my time in 巴塞罗那. 这样做之后, 我在课堂上更投入了, 更有动力参与, 享受我学到的东西. Small things such as asking more questions make the environment much more interesting and you take way more information than just sitting in class. 我会把这些新技能运用到工作中. 我要开始 宝博体育 this summer and building a relationship with my higher ups and not being scared to ask questions is something I’ll implement for success in my career; but I’m glad 巴塞罗那 allowed me to see the value in doing this.   


I never thought I could achieve the level of happiness I achieved in 巴塞罗那. Those four months abroad taught me how to be more grateful for what I have and who I am. 我周围都是很棒的人,很棒的 国外的食物在一个美丽的城市. 我知道我必须尽可能地扩大我在那里的经验. 


This was Correfoc, this was one of the best times in 巴塞罗那 during la Mercè. I went under the fire sparks with my friends and never felt so much adrenaline.

宝博体育时的心态就是你从中得到的. The extent a person wants to push themselves out of their comfort zone in a new environment is up to them, 但我鼓励每个人都这样做. 虽然我更倾向于去巴塞罗那, genuinely any place you go abroad will foster experiences that are transformative and leave you with memories that’ll last you a lifetime. 

阿黛尔Bey-Smith 2022年秋季校友大使在巴塞罗那吗, 西班牙, 目前就读于雪城大学.
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